CRank: 6Score: 37740

GOTY has not been released yet. Mark my words GT5 will get GOTY.

4959d ago 8 agree8 disagreeView comment

I'm in the beta psn Sumtynnaztee and what I'm most impressed with is the level design and operations mode. I can't wait to play the whole game, its a truly great shooter. It's really impressive

4961d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll wait til I get off work. No more midnight launches for me its too much waiting in line with dumbasses. I'm off Wednesday and Thursday so I will have time to party up and have some fun. Psn Sumtynnaztee add me

4961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't agree with the price but they know Call of Duty will sell even with a higher price. The only way to make them change their minds is for a lot of gamers to just not buy it.

4961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game was/is surprisingly my favorite rpg of this generation. It was like getting two games for the price of one. The single player was bland until the end but it was fun because you could take your character online from singleplayer seamlessly. I'm really ready to dig into WKC2 but honestly I want until at least may so I can enjoy all the games coming out. GT5 LBP2 Infamous 2 mass effect 2 killzone 3 ect.

4962d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But why should I run out and get Kinect? There isn't one game I would enjoy playing. I know it will sell well during the holidays but I think that might be a bad thing if the Kinect doesn't deliver a great experience from day one. I'm interested in seeing how this gets reviewed by consumer word of mouth.

4963d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Im so down on ign after Greg millers killzone 3 beta code giveaway ordeal. Anyone.who was part of that travesty knows what I'm talking about. Im glad that we as gamers have someone with passion to call out these big sites. Even of you choose to disagree with HHG at least we know he will speak truth and battle these sites. big ups to HHG!

4964d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow, I'm surprised to see all the haters out trying to knock this game. I'm in the beta (psn Sumtynnaztee) and the game looks and plays phenomenal I love the atmosphere of this game. The levels really feel alive and vibrant the sound is great and the gameplay is so much fun. I can't wait til February day 1 buy for me.

4968d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol I'm no fanboy, I agree with you on the Kinect holiday effect but this bundle won't make a dent in holiday sales. Follow my logic, most gamers who want to play black ops have a 360 and those that didn't probably bought one when reach came out. Big picture CoD BO huge impact games sale wise not console buying power unless MS starts the banning effect.

4969d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Hiphopgamer came thru for me. I tried that Greg miller ign crap since 12 midnight. Seriously I'm really pissed about the way ign handled there beta codes. It's really disrespectful to have gamers wait all that time and then give out codes one at a time to an audience of 10,000. Big shots out to Hiphopgamer who just hooked up gamers without the nonsense and recklessness.

4970d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

See you all in game PSN Sumtynnaztee add me. Currently at 33%. BTW HipHopGamer big props to you man!

4970d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone got an extra code? Please PM me, damn I really want to play this beta

4971d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone not planning on using there code or got an extra. I really want to test this game fully. PM me please.

4972d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Anyone not going to be using there code or got an extra. I would love to play this beta and test this game out fully. PM me

4972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1st day buy I loved this game in the arcades

4987d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally I think the price point is dead on. It's looks to be quality hardware and its got a lot of killers games lined up. I will get one at launch, besides most cellphones cost more than the 3DS these days especially when you figure in your monthly bill.

4998d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

GT5 has a ridiculous amount of content for 60$. I mean its a car fans dream come true. It's like the French declaring war with the US its just not a war they can win.

5003d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well I have played it and enjoyed it very much. It's a 1st day buy for me. Brings back memories of playing time crisis in arcades.....

5003d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why is Sega "playing it safe" with VC3? Gamers want and deserve this game on PS3! I think Sega has yet again underthought the room!

5011d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you have extensive play time with PS move? I only ask because your statement sounds of extreme fanboyism. I will be getting my PS move on Friday and I'm almost 100% sure based on the research I have done that PS move on a technological side will render the Wii obsolete.

5011d ago 22 agree0 disagreeView comment